
Alexandru Zepciuc
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Jurnalul proiectelor Decizie, After School, Piscu - Glasul Frumosului.

marți, 28 august 2018

Apa si Cafea- un scenariu de lungmetraj

Iata-ma terminand primul draft al scenariului de lungmetraj"Apa si Cafea". Nu voi da detalii despre planurile mele privind acest scenariu sau despre scenariu in sine. Cine ma urmareste, cunoaste, intelege. :)

Un post de radio pe care l-am descoperit in UK si-l recomand:

Ce citesc: The cinema of Nanni Moretti - dreams and diaries [ de ewa mazierska & laura rascaroli ]

duminică, 19 august 2018

Sad smile

I can't forget your sad eyes,
And I don't want to!
So, if you will come back
I promise to you, I will
Not forget myself! I
Will become a better me
Because for that... you
Only have to be here!
I will chase my dreams
More than I ever did!
Because you care of them!
Because you belive in them!

I can't forget your sad eyes
When they've really smiled
When you really laugh!
Your sad eyes that made
Me happy! I can't go
Back to anything else
Unless your sad eyes
Will smile again!
And they will!